Thursday, April 18, 2019

Moving is certainly... Interesting... ;3;

So..... My parents and I are almost moved in to our new apartment... And.. Well, my cat has started getting used to it now, and as for me? Well, I love the location. But not exactly the apartment itself. I guess it has some potential, and this isn't the finished product yet, but it's still very... Ouch.

I don't have a bed in my room yet, so I sleep on the floor, with blankets and an exercise mat. So, I have bruises on my hips.... Nice. XD

But other than that, my room is looking pretty okay... As long as my anime stuff is there. But for real, I love the color(colors) of paint that I have. One wall is a dark greyish blue, and the other walls are colored with a powdery light blue.

I'm just excited to finally be somewhere, where I can actually do stuff and walk and all that. It'll be exciting to walk around the city and see new things.

I was pretty bored... And lonely... And I never did anything back at the old house... Since it was in a more countryside neighborhood.... Like, there was an actual cow farm across the road of my house....

 So that was funny, I guess. It was cool to see the cows here and there... OH! I just remembered. So the neighbors; on either side of my house; both owned horses. In fact, I used to go, crawl under the bushes when I was younger, and go watch the horses and draw them. I also liked to look at the sunset too.... It was nice.

Anyways... Since we started to actually stay here at the new apartment, we've been exploring around the city, and yesterday, my mom and I went and checked out the coffee shop they have around here. My mom got a mint coffee, and I got an Iced Green Tea with Peach. Let me tell you this... If they EVER. And I mean, EVERRRR have the option to give you an Iced Green Tea with Peach drink.... Try it. It's totally worth it. It was. DELICIOUS. <3

Well, I hope you enjoyed today's updates of rambling...  I think it turned out okay, right? XD
Luv ya,
    Signed, Jordi <3


  1. The coffee shop was fun! I really liked the back room they have with all the books and the game we got to play while enjoying our drinks. But, what made it especially great was getting to spend the time with you! Love you my bestest girl!!! <3 Mom

  2. i honestly felt the same way xD I felt so unsatisfied, but after a while i just got used to the dissatisfaction. lol
