Wednesday, April 24, 2019

#HoodieSquad drawing/steps...

 Line art
 Basic coloring
 Highlights/Shading/Advanced coloring
Finished drawing ^.^ <3

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Art #3

I made quite a few of my recent drawings with a mouse, so I'll mark those with an X... :3




Please comment down below if you have any tips for drawing digitally. (Or even for just traditionally.)

Moving is certainly... Interesting... ;3;

So..... My parents and I are almost moved in to our new apartment... And.. Well, my cat has started getting used to it now, and as for me? Well, I love the location. But not exactly the apartment itself. I guess it has some potential, and this isn't the finished product yet, but it's still very... Ouch.

I don't have a bed in my room yet, so I sleep on the floor, with blankets and an exercise mat. So, I have bruises on my hips.... Nice. XD

But other than that, my room is looking pretty okay... As long as my anime stuff is there. But for real, I love the color(colors) of paint that I have. One wall is a dark greyish blue, and the other walls are colored with a powdery light blue.

I'm just excited to finally be somewhere, where I can actually do stuff and walk and all that. It'll be exciting to walk around the city and see new things.

I was pretty bored... And lonely... And I never did anything back at the old house... Since it was in a more countryside neighborhood.... Like, there was an actual cow farm across the road of my house....

 So that was funny, I guess. It was cool to see the cows here and there... OH! I just remembered. So the neighbors; on either side of my house; both owned horses. In fact, I used to go, crawl under the bushes when I was younger, and go watch the horses and draw them. I also liked to look at the sunset too.... It was nice.

Anyways... Since we started to actually stay here at the new apartment, we've been exploring around the city, and yesterday, my mom and I went and checked out the coffee shop they have around here. My mom got a mint coffee, and I got an Iced Green Tea with Peach. Let me tell you this... If they EVER. And I mean, EVERRRR have the option to give you an Iced Green Tea with Peach drink.... Try it. It's totally worth it. It was. DELICIOUS. <3

Well, I hope you enjoyed today's updates of rambling...  I think it turned out okay, right? XD
Luv ya,
    Signed, Jordi <3

Tuesday, April 2, 2019


I love youtube... But at the same time, it can be difficult. I have a YouTube channel, and I try to upload videos here and there, but because I'm moving, my camera is packed away... And the animations I work on are on my moms phone, (On Flipaclip...) And besides that, my mom doesn't have a stylus for her phone either, so I have to draw with my finger... It's quite difficult...

But even so, I still love making the animations and videos. One thing that's one of my favorite things though, is watching other YouTubers. Like TheOdd1'sOut and Aphmau. I've watched Aphmau since I was 10, and I always wanted to be a part of her channel... It just seemed so fun to be able to do the voices and play the minigames together, I knew that they were having fun.

I often do different voices of characters or personas that I know, and I love to practice accents. I don't have a reason why I'm so attached to the things like art and doing voices and music, I just like them. I love the emotions you can show through all three of these things. (But once again, I'm going off topic, aren't I? ^.^')

Anyways, if you can't tell, I respect Aphmau and a lot of my other favorite YouTubers. I hope to be like them someday! :3

See ya later,
Jordi <3

Monday, April 1, 2019

My love of anime/manga

Yes. It is, in fact, true. I love anime and manga. I actually consider it one of my passions. I collect and read a lot of manga, and have a few DVD's of some of my favorite anime series. (LUCKY STAR!!)

I even have gotten my mom into a few of the anime I like as well. A few to mention is: Himouto Umaru-Chan, The Promised Neverland, Anonymous Noise, etc. (I recommend watching these... They're all very well made.)

Now, if you can't tell, I draw in the anime art style as well... Ever since I was younger(And when I first saw the anime art style...) I was drawing anime like it was something that could disappear the moment I stopped drawing it.

I love art. It's why I have this blog... So I could show some of my art... Even if it doesn't get noticed, I'm still happy to write these posts.

I want to make a manga of my own... I have multiple ideas that I want to write and draw, but for now, I'm mainly trying to write one specific story. I have a main idea for the story, I even have an ending! But I'm having a difficulty on how to start it. The start is always one of the most important things. When you introduce your characters and the way you show your readers the characters personalities in the words, the way they're drawn, the pose and posture they make...

I can't seem to figure out the perfect way to introduce my main character... But I'll rant more about this in another post... Someday... :3

Anyways, I think you get the point. I LOVE anime. :3 

This is Jordi, SIGNING out. Byeeeeee!