Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Writing Struggles

Does anyone else have this problem? Like you start writing cuz' you have that spark of an idea, but then you get one chapter in (sometimes even half a chapter), and BOOM, ya lost all your ideas?

I get that.... A LOT... ;w; It's unfortunate, really. I usually start out with such interesting ideas, but the moment I try to write them out, I either forget them or they never turn out as good as I wanted them to be.

Oof.... Well, I did finally come up with a start for my manga(comic). So... Yayyyy a starttt. XD

Sorry if this was a kind of short post.... I just wanted to rant a little bit... (And give updates.)

(Omg, small edit... So, I just chipped my front tooth a little bit, from my fork, cuz i didn't see it fast enough.... ;w; halp.)

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