Tuesday, May 7, 2019


I LOVE music. I think I get it from my dad... Or my mom... Or both really? I'm practically obsessed with music. I like to listen to a lot of different types.... Like, Classical, Vocaloid/Japanese music, Celtic, Music box, Electric, Dubstep.... Idk... I like a lot... XD

So far, I've actually memorized like... UUUHHHH... Quite a few songs.... And If I hear specific songs, I can pick up on the lyrics for those too.... hmmm....

So like, the ones that I know without music are:

Those are some of the ones I can remember... XD

And some of my favorite songs, I'll link here:

I love a lot of different types of art... And since music is another type of art... I love it with a PASSION. <3
And maybe this post was also just a place for a music dump... LISTEN TO THESE PLEASE. XD

Ok, Jordi OUT <3 <3

1 comment:

  1. And such a beautiful voice. Wish you’d sing more for others to hear. (Sigh... also something you got from your mom. 😔) 🎶 🎤 🎶
